Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Are movies becoming too violent and promiscuous?

There are many reasons why one could assume the amount of sex and violence are increasing in the movies today. Perhaps the movies are simply appealing to the masses. Perhaps society is becoming increasingly more numb and we need bigger explosions and more scandalous women to get our attention. Or maybe its just that the values of the movie writers and directors simply just don't match our own. Whatever the reason may be, its obvious that movies just ain't what they used to be.Many studies have been done on the increase of violent crimes and divorce rates in the recent decades. One might argue that these statistics are a result of the media teaching children lower values. Or is it our lower values that have caused the movies to reflect our own promiscuity? I would argue that this is a case of Hollywood force feeding society and we, as a society, simply accepting what we are given. I know many good people in and out of the LDS faith that have good morals and are offended at the road the movies and the media have taken.If I were a movie producer I would make a movie that actually had a real story line. How many times have we been watching a movie whether it be action or horror or drama and have been able to predict what would happen and who the bad guy would be? Now I'm not going to be a hypocrite and say violence in movies doesn't belong. Real life is violent. Now is there a line that is more often than not that is crossed by having too much violence? Of course. Can a movie be good without violence? Sure, why not? But to say it has no place in entertainment in my opinion would be going too far. I mean, I am a guy. Explosions have been an area of awe since I first saw fireworks. I don't know why, they're just cool.

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