Monday, November 17, 2008

Arrrr ye land lubbers!

It's not quite Captain Jack Sparrow, but there are pirates wreaking havoc off the coasts of Somalia, Yemen, Kenya and Tanzania. There have been 9 attacks off Somalia, 11 off Tanzania and a total of 66 off the coast of Yemen. Just recently having attacked and captured a Saudi owned oil tanker, the pirates have successfully captured the largest vessel the US Navy has seen pirated so far.
The tanker contained 2 million barrels of oil, over one quarter of what the Saudi companies put out each day. Meanwhile, we as gasoline consumers are enjoying the benfits of these pirates and by constantly dropping gas prices. Of course the recession is the true driving force behind the lowering gas prices but we can't help but to think that maybe our good ol' mateys sailing the high seas might be adding to our current comforts with driving more.