Sunday, December 14, 2008

Curbing Freedom of Speech

While I was trying to think of a situation in which a personal or public expression went to far I began thinking of the ads against Proposition 8. One in particular stuck out in my mind of a commercial in which two supposed missionaries of the LDS church were portrayed as breaking into a lesbian couple's home and tearing up their marriage certificate and thus officially "stealing their rights".Now of course freedom of speech means that the Courage Campaign who funded the ad are able to express their views and even outrage for the legal passing of Proposition 8. However, their is a law against slander. The Courage Campaign was smart though, they never mentioned the name of the LDS church only led viewers to understand that was who was being represented. I for one think it's flat out wrong that this commercial would be allowed to be aired. The LDS church as an organization did not spend a single dime on funding the passing of Proposition 8. It did encourage its members to stand up for what they know to be right. And that meant giving time, energy and even money to support the proposition. I would remedy this situation in court. Fortunately the LDS church is a lot better than me and doesn't tend to sue people over wrong doing, instead takes the higher road of turning the other cheek.

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