Sunday, December 14, 2008


After tracking my television watching for a week I've learned that I watch most when I feel like I really need to escape. Sometimes I have a lot f homework or upcoming test that is causing me stress and I just want to stop thinking about it. Really, to stop thinking in general. That's what TV does for me. I learned about television that most of the commercials are aimed at women. I started counting the number of commercials for women vs. the number for men and I was amazed the it was close to an 8 to 1 ratio. Interesting.Many networks often appeal to the lowest common denominator in order to offend no one. Programs like FOX I think do just that. There are some shows on there that definitely appeal to the lowest common denominator. I think the network CBS and ABC tend to have a little more varied shows to appeal to certain groups of people.Many people say that television has had a greater impact on society than any other form of media. Whether or not this is true could be a tough argument. I think it has affected modern society more than any other media form. But looking at society broadly, I might say the written word has affected it more.

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