Sunday, December 14, 2008

Image Consulting

Is image consulting ethical? To be honest its kind of a grey area question. Some might say sure its ethical, whats wrong with improving the image of a company or a person? Don't we all do that to ourselves every morning before we go out? On the flip side, wouldn't it be considered wrong to change the image and distort the truth of what a company really is and does?Like most things I would say when you cross the line of distorting the truth is when it could be considered unethical. And in each case that really is a judgment call.Promotional exaggerations such as Tom Thumb and Jenny Lind do exist today. PR for the purpose of financial gain exists in most every company today. You could consider exaggerated claims in ads that picture models with perfect bodies that are created using airbrush techniques and photoshop. While not the same method as Barnum did for Tom Thumb but the same principle.

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